Thursday, January 12, 2012


fingerprints are like snowflakes - no two are alike. 

We were scheduled to get our prints taken in St Louis on January 25th - that's pretty far we drove the 2.5 hrs yesterday hoping that they would take pity on us & print us early.  Probs didn't hurt that we had the little with us charming her way around the joint. Driving into the Lou - pretty much no traffic.  We quickly found a parking spot (for $2) & walk towards the building
We were greeted outside by a friendly security guard.  Once inside, we headed toward the metal detector/X-ray area.  The security guards asked us about our upcoming adoption & wished us luck.  When we got into the biometrics room, I told the lady that we had an appt scheduled for later this month but would it be possible to get printed today?  She smiled & said "well, I think we can do that for you - we do need to do the people with appts first but it shouldn't take too long." 

About 15 minutes later, we were called back.  I've had trouble with my prints in the past.  They had to use the old "inking" system last time.  I was diligent with the Cornhuskers lotion for the past several weeks - I even slept in gloves.  This time, the lady told me I had great prints.  Let's hope USCIS agrees!  We were out of the office in less than an hour and now have another step crossed off our wait list - time to sit back & just wait for approval.

We went to lunch at PF Changs

So after enjoying the 50 degree days we've been having (totally not a typical Illinois winter) - this was the view off our deck today with a temp of 14 degrees.  Welcome back winter - ugh


Cheri said...

Looks like a nice trip. I haven't been to PF Changs in so long! And, we've not had any snow yet. Today is around 56, but tomorrow should be in the 30' winter should be.

Everything Beautiful Shay said...

SO thankful you got your prints done! That's a big check off!!! Stay warm and enjoy your day!!! XO