Wednesday, August 24, 2011

it's official...

I'm an aunt!  Head on over to my brother & sis-in-laws blog for the details - well, the deets they can share.  Just gonna say - I've seen the bebe & he is amazing, by far the sweetest little guy evah...I'm smitten....just sayin'.  Piper's taking the role of the big cuzzie head-on - she's talked about "my baby cousin" all day saying he lives in Antarctica (Antarctica, Africa - close baby girl, real close), preparing to "share all's my nightgowns", talking about how "I's gonna hug him & I's gonna kiss him"..."I wuv baby "K".  feelings mutual Princess

Congrats Luc & Kara!!
the long road


Kayce said...

Congratulations to all of you!

Kara said...

Thanks Kristi!