Wednesday, July 27, 2011

donuts for lunch

"Hey Mama....I have a donut for lunch?"
"just one donut...pulease?"
can you tell what Mama's response was?
miss sassy-pants replied "you's gonna wet me have a donut"
Mama told her to go sit on the time-out chair

the long road


Virginia said...

Oh she is just too much! Great shots of those cute expressions of hers.

Virginia said...

Oh she is just too much! Great shots of those cute expressions of hers.

Unknown said...

I LOVE it!!! That's a toddler for ya! Too adorable...

Anonymous said...

She is so expressive and cute to boot! ~Lindy D.

[My grandmother use to make homemade donuts for lunch on our birthdays. We would have one or two plain cake donuts for "lunch" with peanut butter or cheddar cheese. Dessert would be a sugar and cinnamon or powered sugar donut.]

Tonia said...

Oh boy! You must be one strong Momma! I would've caved after the second face! Too much cuteness!!!

Football and Fried Rice said...

Oh, i SO would have given in!! Im weak like that :)