Sunday, July 17, 2011


We usually have a party for Grandma's birthday but this year her only request - no party....she wanted everybody to stop by more on a one-on-one basis.  It's easier to visit with less "background noise".  We took lunch to her house yesterday - and yes....for those of you that won't ever have the pleasure of meeting my 91, she still lives on her own.  When we got there yesterday, it was super nice to see how many peeps had sent her flowers & cards for her special day!

the little couldn't wait to give Grandma a hug
Sunday Snapshot


Unknown said...

AWWW! Happy Birthday, Grandma! I still have my grandma too, we call her Honey and she is very independent and spunky at 86 years old!

You and I are blessed to have our grandmas in our lives...

Merrill said...

91! WOW!! Glad you all had some family time together and that your children get to know their great grandmother. So special.

Everything Beautiful Shay said...

Happy birthday to a beautiful grandmother!!! :)

Jodi said...

ohhh how special that one on one time is.

Danyelle said...

The capture of the hug is just too sweet! I'm glad she had such a great birthday and you were able to share it with her.