Tuesday, July 5, 2011

black & white wednesday

princess dress, fairy wings, fancy headband & my fav....glow stick bracelets turned earrings
Justin's new tractor 
future farmer of America?
she sees the camera & goes into goofy model mode
not sure if she's a little teapot or practicing some Bob Fosse choreography
we had a bag-o fireworks left over - Justin shot off a few "parachutes" & Coop chased after them
victory dance after catching parachute
really not sure what's going on in this pic - maybe showing off her bloomers to a fish?
and here's my beloved jumbo-tron hosta.....notice Pipe's looking over the top of her glasses?  She doesn't need them close-up but isn't old enough for bifocals so we see the granny look alot
the boy & the boat
somebody got her very own fishing pole - it's Tinkerbell & it lights up
the long road


Gina Kleinworth said...

Love the paddle boat- how fun!

likeschocolate said...

from the looks of it they are having a fun summer.

Football and Fried Rice said...

That hosta is HUGE!!! Love Piper's bloomers :)

The Wickershams said...

Ok, I cannot show my Hubs this post with the tractor or he will be very jealous! :)