Wednesday, September 14, 2011


I mentioned awhile back that I had joined a Crossfit gym - it's kicking my bootie....seriously.  Did I mention how much I HATE running - the first day we had to run 400m...I made it 100 & felt like I was going to keel over.  After almost 2 mos I'm proud to announce that today our warm-up included 3 rounds of a 200m run (and then 20 lunges & 20 jump ropes - supposed to spin the rope around twice...double under...yeah not happening) and I successfully ran the 200m all 3 times without a cardiac episode.  Can I get a "holla"?!?  Ok, so it's not all super cool like the fam members currently rocking out 1/2 marathons but seriously peeps - I might as well of climbed Everest.

oh & then there's the little fact that I'm down 6 pounds - so in short...Crossfit works, find a gym


Tonia said...

HOLLA!!! Way to go! It is so hard to lose weight! I have been Zumba-ing my hiney off (literally!) and am down about 30 lbs! Keep up the great work!

Everything Beautiful Shay said...

Yay!!! Sounds like a great plan! XO

Hunan Mommy said...

Great work! I hit the swimming pool about 3-4 times a week and walk in between. I am finally back in the pre adoption jeans....and it only took me two years with a lot to go. I guess that's not very motivating!