Tuesday, May 10, 2011

the past two days feel like summer is in the house - temps in the 90's....kinda "funny" since we still had days last week when we'd kick the furnace on.  favorite parts about the changing weather are for sure the facebook status' - a week ago a status might read "so tired of this weather...bring on the sunshine"  or "soooo ready for warmer weather!"  This week those same people are posting "ick...too hot & humid"  or "had to turn on the a/c - it's miserable out there."  Personally, I'll take a hot sunny day over a cold rainy day....just sayin. 

The hubs is having a great week - should be done planting corn tomorrow...can I get a woot woot?!?  He planted over 400 acres yesterday - for those of you that took another career path than feeding America....that's AHMAZING!!! 

the little & I took a little roadtrip to my old home town today to visit Grandma. We had a great lunch with her & my aunt. 

Piper in Grandma's old rocking chair - she got it for Christmas when she was around 4
Chloe's all-star cheer has started back up again.  Last year she was a base - this year they've been having her practice flying....not sure if she'll fly in the routine but she's having a blast right now. 
scorpion - not sure what was going on with the camera...blurry much?

1 comment:

Cheri said...

I Love road trips, and I love corn! I lived in Illinois for a short bit of my life, that is where DH is from. How could you not love corn?