Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christmas break

We started Christmas break off with a bang this year - literally...
Poor kid was twirling around the living room while wearing footie jammies - she stepped on her other foot, slipped & knicked the edge of the coffee table with her head.  She howled for a bit but then proceeded to tell the coffee table no & ask for popcorn. 
Prior to this little accident - we finally took Piper to see Santa.  We talked it up big time - last year she threw an all out fit cried when I put her on his lap and this year the big kids decided they were too cool didn't want to sit on the red suit's lap.  I asked her "Do you want to sit on Santa's lap?"  Piper "no but I sit on da carpet"  Coop "you can tell him what you want for Christmas"  Piper "I want mints".  We had one moment of shear panic nervousness but ended up with this
They actually got one picture with somewhat of a smile but her belly was hanging out - oh well, at least Santa's smiling.
Chloe had her cheer pictures taken awhile back & they turned out great - go ahead...ask her...she'll tell ya
The kids are all outside right now playing in the snow - pictures to follow. Had a pretty funny moment with Piper - it's her first time playing in the snow and she reacted to it pretty much like her Mama probably did back in the day.  "I not sit in da snow...too dirty"

1 comment:

Cheri said...

What a sweet picture! Poor little girl! That sure is an ugly cut.