Tuesday, March 13, 2012

random things the little said

I heard all of these yesterday...
  • "Mama...how's come you not Chinese?  Cause you's 14? Yeah, that's why you not a Chinese girl"
  • Piper came waking into my bathroom with a book, small bear, & bracelet wrapped up in a blanket. I asked her what she was doing "oh, I's stalking people"  Me: what?  P: "you know I's stalking people (said while shrugging her shoulders)".  Me: what do stalkers do?  P:  "help peoples"  Me: huh? P:  "you know, wike put stuff on shelves..it's a great job at the grocery store".  For a kid that has trouble with her "L" sound - the words stalker was perfectly clear....stocker - not so much.
  • Her pre-k class is doing a "project" where they have a grocery store set up & they get to take turns doing the different jobs. She had told me last week that she couldn't wait to be the bagger when they got to play store.  "I wonder who's gonna be the bagger?  I hope it's me cause the bagger is the bestest job."  Today, she got in the car & said "we played grocery store & I was the bagger.  I was wrong..being the bagger is boring."
  • Me: who's my girl?  Piper: "ME!"  Chloe: what about me?  Piper: "yeah...you's not a tiny wittle Chinese girl so...no"


Corey Case said...

HA HA! Love the "yeah...you's not a tiny wittle Chinese girl so...no" comment. Funny

Unknown said...

I just read the stalkers part to jeff-he said that is yo funny and kept laughing! Miss u all

Yvette said...

Just rolling so funny especially the tiny wittle chinese girl!

Tera said...

"yeah...you's not a tiny wittle Chinese girl so...no"
Hilarious. I love the silly things she says!!

A Case Photo Place said...

So funny! I love that she thinks you're 14. :)

Lee and Sarah VanGrunsven said...

Ha HA! I love love love the stalker comment :-) LOL